Omnibus Vote Agenda JB Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (07/05/17) - Approve KL Item No. 2 Executive Session Meeting Minutes (03/07/17; 04/18/2017) - Approve KL Item No. 3 Ordinance No. 58-2017- An Ordinance Adopting Bi-Annual Equal Employment Opportunity Plan for the City of Effingham, Illinois - Pass (In consideration for Federal Grant-in-Aid, the Federal Government requires an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan be reviewed and updated at least every two years.) KL Item No. 4 Resolution No. 99-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of City Streets and City Parking Lots to be Temporarily Closed for Our Town: Best of Effingham Downtown Party - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission for Our Town: Best of Effingham Downtown Party on August 11 from 4 - 8 p.m. in Downtown Effingham with street closures as designated in said Resolution.) Item No. 5 Resolution No. 101-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal of Stantec for Sewer Rate Study - Adopt (Stantec has agreed to provide a rate study for potential future wholesale wastewater treatment services at a cost of $11,380. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Sewer. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 6 Resolution No. 102-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the East Rt. 40 Water Main Bore Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017 with B & T Drainage and Excavating submitting the lowest proposal in the amount of $42,000.00. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Water funds. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 7 Resolution No. 103-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the Clark Avenue Reconstruction Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017 with Beniach Construction Company Inc., submitting the lowest proposal of $84,701.50. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the TIF Main Account. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 8 Resolution No. 104-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the Lawrence Avenue Reconstruction Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017 with Effingham Asphalt Company Inc., submitting the lowest proposal of $102,654.30. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the TIF Main Account. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 9 Resolution No. 105-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the North Main Street Resurfacing Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017, with Effingham Asphalt Company, Inc., submitting the lowest responsive bid of $150,322.35. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Central TIF Account. This item was previously discussed.) Item No. 10 Resolution No. 106-2017, A Resolution Reapproving Final Plat No. 751-F for Recording, Speedway Subdivision - Adopt (This will relieve the developer of the requirement to obtain a release of an ingress/egress easement underlying the Raney Street right of way dedication. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends approval of this change.) SM Item No. 11 Resolution No. 111-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of City Streets & City Parking Lots to be Temporarily Closed for the EffingHAM JAM Public Event - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission for EffingHAM JAM in Downtown Effingham for July 28-29 from 5 - 10 p.m. Friday and 8 - 4 p.m. on Saturday with street closures designated in said Resolution. This Resolution was renumbered Resolution No. 111- 2017 to correct a duplicate Resolution No. 93-2017, as presented for discussion at the July 5 Council Meeting.) JT Item No. 12 2017 Gutter Replacement - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Beniach Construction Co., Inc. has completed the project at a final cost of $50,201. Request approval of the final pay estimate, acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) SM Item No. 13 2017 Street Maintenance Aggregate Stockpiling - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Heuerman Brothers Trucking has completed their portion of the stockpiling at a final cost of $17,841.98. Request approval of the Final Pay Estimate, acceptance of the project and release of bonding) SM Item No. 14 2017 Street Maintenance Aggregate Stockpiling - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Charles Heuerman Trucking has completed their portion of the project at a final cost of $17,023.29. Request approval of the final pay estimate, acceptance of the project and release of bonding) SM Item No. 15 DJMDT/Goldstein Rezoning - Plan Commission Letter of Recommendation - R&F (The Plan Commission by a 5 to 0 vote recommends the City Council grant the Petition to Rezone as presented to the Commission, subject to and contingent upon the requirements and conditions of the DJMDT Site Plan, as required and approved by the City Engineer.)
Introductions: Effingham Police Department- K9 Handler Jared Probst and K9 Joeri (Chief Fuesting will introduce Officer Probst and K9 Joeri to the Council.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 54-2017, Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham and Approving a Planned Residential Development, DJMDT Subdivision/Goldstein Property (This rezones property from NU to R-2 and R-3D with a Planned Residence District overlay for DJMDT Subdivision east of Charlotte Street. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends the request be granted from NU to R-2 and R-3D with a PRD and approved the PRD Site Plan.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 108-2017, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 767-P and Approving Final Plat No. 767-F for Recording, DJMDT Subdivision (This is a multi-phase residential development east of Charlotte Street. The preliminary plat is for the entire development. The final plat is for Phase 1. The Plan Commission has unanimously recommended approval of this plat.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 53-2017, An Ordinance Declaring Certain Real Property and Improvements Thereon as Being Dangerous and Unsafe (606 W. Lawrence Avenue, Effingham) (The City of Effingham finds the property at 606 W. Lawrence Avenue to be open, vacant, and constitutes an immediate and continuing danger, a hazard to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. The City also finds it necessary that the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal of any garbage, debris, or other hazardous, noxious, or unhealthy substances or material is necessary to remedy the immediate and continuing hazard.)
Discussion & Approval: Ordinance No. 56-2017: An Ordinance Authorizing a Grant to Thelma Keller Convention Center (Thelma Keller Convention Center requested $35,000 to upgrade the Wi-Fi in their facility. The funds will be taken from the Tourism Fund. This item was previously discussed at the July 5, 2017 meeting.)
10. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 57-2017, An Ordinance Correcting a Scrivener's Error on Ordinance No. 23-2016 (The Ordinance corrects the legal description approved by Ordinance No. 23-2016 for the Heartland Human Services rezoning.) 11. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 109-2017, A Resolution Reapproving Final Plat No. 733-F for Recording, Autumn Garden Subdivision (The plat for Autumn Garden Subdivision was not recorded within 90 days of approval by the Plan Commission, and therefore, it needs approval again to be recorded.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 107-2017, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 766-P and Approving Final Plat No. 766-F for Recording, White Subdivision (This is a subdivision of Lot 16A of Dasenbrock's V.S.M. Subdivision on Hoffman Drive. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends approval of this plat.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 110-2017, Inducement Resolution for South Banker Street Business District (This resolution is required as part of the process to establish the South Banker Street Business District and also allows the City to be reimbursed for funds used for the creation of the district.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 55-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends the Liquor Control Ordinance by changing the definition of "Licensed Premises". The definition has been changed to include any open air, roofed, or unroofed area as part of the "Licensed Premises".)
Discussion: Downtown/Southtown TIF Rehabilitation Program (Dean and Sharon Goeckner plan to rehab the outside of their building at 2001 South Banker St.)
17. Announcements/Commissioner Comments JB • Reports from Commissioners • Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; City Clerk; Accounting Administrator/City Treasurer • Mayoral Proclamations • Special Events JT EffingHAM JAM: July 28 - 29 Framily Fest: July 28 - 29 Our Town: Best of Effingham Downtown Party: August 11 Effingham County Fair: August 5 - 12 • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 20. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of July 18, 2017 at ______ P.M.
Omnibus Vote Agenda JB Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (07/05/17) - Approve KL Item No. 2 Executive Session Meeting Minutes (03/07/17; 04/18/2017) - Approve KL Item No. 3 Ordinance No. 58-2017- An Ordinance Adopting Bi-Annual Equal Employment Opportunity Plan for the City of Effingham, Illinois - Pass (In consideration for Federal Grant-in-Aid, the Federal Government requires an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan be reviewed and updated at least every two years.) KL Item No. 4 Resolution No. 99-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of City Streets and City Parking Lots to be Temporarily Closed for Our Town: Best of Effingham Downtown Party - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission for Our Town: Best of Effingham Downtown Party on August 11 from 4 - 8 p.m. in Downtown Effingham with street closures as designated in said Resolution.) Item No. 5 Resolution No. 101-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal of Stantec for Sewer Rate Study - Adopt (Stantec has agreed to provide a rate study for potential future wholesale wastewater treatment services at a cost of $11,380. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Sewer. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 6 Resolution No. 102-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the East Rt. 40 Water Main Bore Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017 with B & T Drainage and Excavating submitting the lowest proposal in the amount of $42,000.00. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Water funds. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 7 Resolution No. 103-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the Clark Avenue Reconstruction Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017 with Beniach Construction Company Inc., submitting the lowest proposal of $84,701.50. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the TIF Main Account. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 8 Resolution No. 104-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the Lawrence Avenue Reconstruction Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017 with Effingham Asphalt Company Inc., submitting the lowest proposal of $102,654.30. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the TIF Main Account. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 9 Resolution No. 105-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the North Main Street Resurfacing Project - Adopt (Bids were received for the project on July 11, 2017, with Effingham Asphalt Company, Inc., submitting the lowest responsive bid of $150,322.35. The project will be paid from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Central TIF Account. This item was previously discussed.) Item No. 10 Resolution No. 106-2017, A Resolution Reapproving Final Plat No. 751-F for Recording, Speedway Subdivision - Adopt (This will relieve the developer of the requirement to obtain a release of an ingress/egress easement underlying the Raney Street right of way dedication. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends approval of this change.) SM Item No. 11 Resolution No. 111-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of City Streets & City Parking Lots to be Temporarily Closed for the EffingHAM JAM Public Event - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission for EffingHAM JAM in Downtown Effingham for July 28-29 from 5 - 10 p.m. Friday and 8 - 4 p.m. on Saturday with street closures designated in said Resolution. This Resolution was renumbered Resolution No. 111- 2017 to correct a duplicate Resolution No. 93-2017, as presented for discussion at the July 5 Council Meeting.) JT Item No. 12 2017 Gutter Replacement - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Beniach Construction Co., Inc. has completed the project at a final cost of $50,201. Request approval of the final pay estimate, acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) SM Item No. 13 2017 Street Maintenance Aggregate Stockpiling - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Heuerman Brothers Trucking has completed their portion of the stockpiling at a final cost of $17,841.98. Request approval of the Final Pay Estimate, acceptance of the project and release of bonding) SM Item No. 14 2017 Street Maintenance Aggregate Stockpiling - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Charles Heuerman Trucking has completed their portion of the project at a final cost of $17,023.29. Request approval of the final pay estimate, acceptance of the project and release of bonding) SM Item No. 15 DJMDT/Goldstein Rezoning - Plan Commission Letter of Recommendation - R&F (The Plan Commission by a 5 to 0 vote recommends the City Council grant the Petition to Rezone as presented to the Commission, subject to and contingent upon the requirements and conditions of the DJMDT Site Plan, as required and approved by the City Engineer.)
Introductions: Effingham Police Department- K9 Handler Jared Probst and K9 Joeri (Chief Fuesting will introduce Officer Probst and K9 Joeri to the Council.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 54-2017, Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham and Approving a Planned Residential Development, DJMDT Subdivision/Goldstein Property (This rezones property from NU to R-2 and R-3D with a Planned Residence District overlay for DJMDT Subdivision east of Charlotte Street. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends the request be granted from NU to R-2 and R-3D with a PRD and approved the PRD Site Plan.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 108-2017, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 767-P and Approving Final Plat No. 767-F for Recording, DJMDT Subdivision (This is a multi-phase residential development east of Charlotte Street. The preliminary plat is for the entire development. The final plat is for Phase 1. The Plan Commission has unanimously recommended approval of this plat.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 53-2017, An Ordinance Declaring Certain Real Property and Improvements Thereon as Being Dangerous and Unsafe (606 W. Lawrence Avenue, Effingham) (The City of Effingham finds the property at 606 W. Lawrence Avenue to be open, vacant, and constitutes an immediate and continuing danger, a hazard to the health, safety, and welfare of the community. The City also finds it necessary that the demolition, repair, enclosure, or removal of any garbage, debris, or other hazardous, noxious, or unhealthy substances or material is necessary to remedy the immediate and continuing hazard.)
Discussion & Approval: Ordinance No. 56-2017: An Ordinance Authorizing a Grant to Thelma Keller Convention Center (Thelma Keller Convention Center requested $35,000 to upgrade the Wi-Fi in their facility. The funds will be taken from the Tourism Fund. This item was previously discussed at the July 5, 2017 meeting.)
10. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 57-2017, An Ordinance Correcting a Scrivener's Error on Ordinance No. 23-2016 (The Ordinance corrects the legal description approved by Ordinance No. 23-2016 for the Heartland Human Services rezoning.) 11. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 109-2017, A Resolution Reapproving Final Plat No. 733-F for Recording, Autumn Garden Subdivision (The plat for Autumn Garden Subdivision was not recorded within 90 days of approval by the Plan Commission, and therefore, it needs approval again to be recorded.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 107-2017, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 766-P and Approving Final Plat No. 766-F for Recording, White Subdivision (This is a subdivision of Lot 16A of Dasenbrock's V.S.M. Subdivision on Hoffman Drive. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends approval of this plat.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 110-2017, Inducement Resolution for South Banker Street Business District (This resolution is required as part of the process to establish the South Banker Street Business District and also allows the City to be reimbursed for funds used for the creation of the district.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 55-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends the Liquor Control Ordinance by changing the definition of "Licensed Premises". The definition has been changed to include any open air, roofed, or unroofed area as part of the "Licensed Premises".)
Discussion: Downtown/Southtown TIF Rehabilitation Program (Dean and Sharon Goeckner plan to rehab the outside of their building at 2001 South Banker St.)
17. Announcements/Commissioner Comments JB • Reports from Commissioners • Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; City Clerk; Accounting Administrator/City Treasurer • Mayoral Proclamations • Special Events JT EffingHAM JAM: July 28 - 29 Framily Fest: July 28 - 29 Our Town: Best of Effingham Downtown Party: August 11 Effingham County Fair: August 5 - 12 • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 20. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of July 18, 2017 at ______ P.M.