Omnibus Vote Agenda Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (08/15/17) - Approve KL Item No. 2 City Treasurer's Report - July 2017 - R&F CP Item No. 3 Building Official - Monthly Permit Summary - R&F (This is the summary of permits (building, electrical & plumbing) issued for the month of July, 2017, as well as contractor registrations and sewer taps.) JH Item No. 4 Ordinance No. 64-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Official Comprehensive Plan of the City of Effingham - Pass (This Ordinance revises the Comprehensive Plan regarding future land use. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 5 Ordinance No. 73-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes - East Rickelman Box Culvert Replacement - Alva A. Heuerman - Pass (This Ordinance approves the purchase of 0.29 acres for the project at a cost of $5,250. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Utility Tax Fund. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 6 Ordinance No. 74-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes - East Fayette Avenue Water Main Project - Stephens Development, LLC - Pass (This Ordinance approves the purchase of 57,020 square feet for a permanent easement and 11,070 square feet for a temporary easement for the project at a cost of $5,540. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Water Department. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 7 Ordinance No. 79-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of Release of Lease and a New Lease of Real Estate - Beck's Superior Hybrids, Inc. - Pass (This Ordinance releases an Agricultural Research Plot Lease and enters into a new one with Beck's Superior Hybrids pursuant to a Private Development Agreement dated April 2, 2015. The cash rent is $300 per acre or the County Average Land Cash Rent Price for Effingham County, which is higher. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 8 Ordinance No. 80-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Personal Property - Pass (The item listed is no longer of any use to the City.) KL Item No. 9 Resolution No. 115-2017, Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Farnsworth Group for Jefferson Avenue Water Main Replacement - Adopt (This Agreement provides assistance for design, drafting, permitting and topographic surveying for water main replacement along Jefferson Avenue from Third Street west to Banker Street at a cost of $19,000. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Central TIF. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 10 Resolution No. 116-2017, Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Farnsworth Group for Route 40 Water Main Replacement, Phase III - Adopt (This is for design, drafting, permitting, boundary/property surveying, and easement plats for water main replacement along East Rt. 40 from John Deere Road to Crystal Club Road. The cost is not to exceed $38,500 with payment to be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Water Department. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 11 Resolution No. 125-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Public Event in Downtown Effingham and to Close Certain City Streets for Heart of the Hops - Adopt (This Resolution allows the street closure for the Heart of the Hops event in downtown Effingham on Friday, September 29th from 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. The event this year is only one day and they will only be closing Jefferson Avenue from 3rd Street to 4th Street.) JT Item No. 12 Resolution No. 128-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the Charlotte Street Storm Sewer Project - Adopt (Bids were accepted for the project on August 24, 2017 with B & T Drainage Company submitting the lowest responsive bid of $76,379. The project will be paid from the General Fund, Utility Tax. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 13 Resolution No. 129-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal from Kinney Contractors for 2017 Pavement Patching Program - Adopt (Bids were accepted for the project on August 24, 2017 with Beniach Construction submitted the lowest responsive bid of $94,494.94. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the General Fund, Street Department, and the TIF Main Account. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 14 Resolution No. 130-2017, Resolution Accepting Public Infrastructure Improvements for Gillenwater Avenue by Bill of Sale and Releasing Bond - Adopt (This project has been completed. Request acceptance of the project, authorization to execute the Bill of Sale and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 15 Resolution No. 131-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission for the Effingham Sunrise Rotary to Have a Halloween Parade on Sunday, October 29, 2017 - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission to Effingham Sunrise Rotary for road closures for the Halloween Parade on October 29, 2017. Road closures are the same as in the past.) JT Item No. 16 Resolution No. 132-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission To Allow a Downtown Effingham Business Group to Have Chili Fest in Downtown Effingham on Friday, October 13, 2017 - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission to allow the Downtown Effingham Business Group to have Chili Fest in downtown Effingham on Friday, October 13, 2017 from 5 - 8 p.m. Road closures are same as in the past). JT Item No. 17 Resolution No. 133-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for 2017 Haney Street Improvements - Adopt (Bids were accepted for the project on August 29 with Beniach Construction Co. submitting the lowest responsive bid of $114,571. The project will be paid from Capital Projects with reimbursement of 50% from Railroad Grade Crossing Protection Funds and the City's portion from the General Fund, Street.) JH Item No. 18 2017 Sidewalk Replacement Program - Change Orders No. 1 & 2 - Approve (Change Order No. 1 is a credit of $5,337 for items that were not needed to fulfill the project. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $10,795 is for additional sidewalk.) JH Item No. 19 Police Station Demo - Certificate of Project Completion and Release of Bonding - Approve (Effingham Asphalt completed the project at a final cost of $47,405.25. Requesting release of the bonding.) JB
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 121-2017, Resolution Authorizing Execution of Premier Lease Agreement with Konica Minolta Premier Finance (This is for a new copier for the Police Department.)
7. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 69-2107, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-2107, "An Ordinance Establishing Pay Ranges for the Various Non-Union Salaried and Hourly Positions within the Service of the City for Fiscal Year 2018" (This Ordinance adds the position of Police Lieutenant (SM2) to the City's Pay Plan. The modification to the current plan is highlighted in yellow.) 8. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 70-2017, An Ordinance Amending Appointment Ordinance No. 17-2015, Ordinance No. 70-2015, Ordinance No. 35-2016, and Ordinance No. 64-2017 (This Ordinance amends the Appointment Ordinance by eliminating the rank of Police Corporal and creating the rank of Police Lieutenant pursuant to the proposed Effingham Police Department Restructuring Plan.) 9. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 72-2017, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 21 "Police" Article II. "Department", Article VI "Special Policemen", and Article VII "Part-time Police Officers" of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham. (This Ordinance amends Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Police) to address Sec. 21-29 "Residence policy for policeman".) 10. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 75-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 72-2011 "An Ordinance Adopting a Revised Personnel Policy Manual" Approved December 20, 2011 (This Ordinance amends the City's Personnel Policy incorporating the changes necessary to implement the administrative restructuring of the Effingham Police Department.) 11. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 123-2017, Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #209 (This Resolution authorizes the City Administrator and the Chief of Police to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Police FOP. This MOU assigns the pay of Corporal to the rank of Sergeant and eliminates the Corporal position from the collective bargaining agreement. It also insures the Deputy Chief and the Police Lieutenants will be able to continue their participation in the City's VEBA Plan.) 12. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 124-2017, A Resolution Approving Various Job Descriptions (This Resolution approves various job descriptions associated with the Police Department Restructuring Plan and the change in title of the City Treasurer. All proposed changes are highlighted in yellow.)
13. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 78-2017, An Ordinance Establishing a Business District Tax Allocation Fund for the Area Subject to Resolution No. 110-2017 (This Ordinance establishes a business district tax allocation fund for the proposed South Banker Street Business District.) 14. Discussion and Approval: Motion Accepting the South Banker Street Business District Eligibility Study (Economic Development Resources will present the Eligibility Study for the South Banker Street Business District. Once the study is adopted, it will be placed on file for public inspection.) 15. Discussion and Approval: Motion Authorizing Economic Development Resources to Complete the South Banker Street Business District Plan (Once approved, Economic Development Resources will complete the South Banker Street Business District Plan)
Discussion: Resolution No. 127-2017, Resolution Amending an Intergovernmental Agreement with Effingham Community Unit District No. 40 (This Resolution amends an Intergovernmental Agreement with Unit 40. This agreement authorizes a TIF reimbursement of up to $200,000 over a two-year period for actual costs associated with vocational education in FY16 and FY17. Up to $100,000 will be paid out to Unit 40 in FY18 and up to $100,000 will be paid out to Unit 40 in FY19.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 77-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends the Liquor Control Ordinance by creating a Class MT Liquor License (Movie Theater - Consumption Sales Only.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 81-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 13-2012 to increase the Class MT (Movie Theater - Consumption Sales Only) from 0 to 1. This increase is subject to RMC Stadium Cinemas obtaining a Class MT Liquor License.)
Discussion: Resolution No. 122-2017, Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Proposal of RJN Group, Inc. for Flow Monitoring (This is to determine existing sanitary flow through an existing lift station in the area near the intersection of West Rickelman Avenue and North Raney Street. The cost is $14,110 with payment to be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Sewer.)
Discussion: Resolution No. 126-2017, Resolution Authorizing Execution of LexisNexis eCrash Agreement With LexisNexis Claims Solutions, Inc. (Chief of Police will discuss the LexisNexis eCrash Agreement.)
Discussion: Library Quarterly Report (Library Director Amanda McKay will present the Library's Quarterly Report.)
Discussion: Tourism Report (Director of Tourism Jodi Thoele will present a report on the Tourism Department to the Council.)
24. Announcements/Commissioner Comments JB • Reports from Commissioners • Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; City Clerk; City Treasurer • Mayoral Proclamations DAV Forget-Me-Not Days - September 8 & 9 DAR Constitution Week - September 17 - 23 JB • Special Events JT Effingham Cruise Night: September 8 Hobnob Harvest Market: September 8 - 9 Corvette Funfest: September 14 -17 • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 27. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of September 5, 2017 at ______ P.M.
Omnibus Vote Agenda Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (08/15/17) - Approve KL Item No. 2 City Treasurer's Report - July 2017 - R&F CP Item No. 3 Building Official - Monthly Permit Summary - R&F (This is the summary of permits (building, electrical & plumbing) issued for the month of July, 2017, as well as contractor registrations and sewer taps.) JH Item No. 4 Ordinance No. 64-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Official Comprehensive Plan of the City of Effingham - Pass (This Ordinance revises the Comprehensive Plan regarding future land use. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 5 Ordinance No. 73-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes - East Rickelman Box Culvert Replacement - Alva A. Heuerman - Pass (This Ordinance approves the purchase of 0.29 acres for the project at a cost of $5,250. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Utility Tax Fund. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 6 Ordinance No. 74-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes - East Fayette Avenue Water Main Project - Stephens Development, LLC - Pass (This Ordinance approves the purchase of 57,020 square feet for a permanent easement and 11,070 square feet for a temporary easement for the project at a cost of $5,540. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Water Department. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 7 Ordinance No. 79-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of Release of Lease and a New Lease of Real Estate - Beck's Superior Hybrids, Inc. - Pass (This Ordinance releases an Agricultural Research Plot Lease and enters into a new one with Beck's Superior Hybrids pursuant to a Private Development Agreement dated April 2, 2015. The cash rent is $300 per acre or the County Average Land Cash Rent Price for Effingham County, which is higher. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 8 Ordinance No. 80-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Personal Property - Pass (The item listed is no longer of any use to the City.) KL Item No. 9 Resolution No. 115-2017, Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Farnsworth Group for Jefferson Avenue Water Main Replacement - Adopt (This Agreement provides assistance for design, drafting, permitting and topographic surveying for water main replacement along Jefferson Avenue from Third Street west to Banker Street at a cost of $19,000. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Central TIF. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 10 Resolution No. 116-2017, Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Farnsworth Group for Route 40 Water Main Replacement, Phase III - Adopt (This is for design, drafting, permitting, boundary/property surveying, and easement plats for water main replacement along East Rt. 40 from John Deere Road to Crystal Club Road. The cost is not to exceed $38,500 with payment to be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the Water Department. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 11 Resolution No. 125-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Public Event in Downtown Effingham and to Close Certain City Streets for Heart of the Hops - Adopt (This Resolution allows the street closure for the Heart of the Hops event in downtown Effingham on Friday, September 29th from 2:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. The event this year is only one day and they will only be closing Jefferson Avenue from 3rd Street to 4th Street.) JT Item No. 12 Resolution No. 128-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for the Charlotte Street Storm Sewer Project - Adopt (Bids were accepted for the project on August 24, 2017 with B & T Drainage Company submitting the lowest responsive bid of $76,379. The project will be paid from the General Fund, Utility Tax. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 13 Resolution No. 129-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal from Kinney Contractors for 2017 Pavement Patching Program - Adopt (Bids were accepted for the project on August 24, 2017 with Beniach Construction submitted the lowest responsive bid of $94,494.94. Payment will be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from the General Fund, Street Department, and the TIF Main Account. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 14 Resolution No. 130-2017, Resolution Accepting Public Infrastructure Improvements for Gillenwater Avenue by Bill of Sale and Releasing Bond - Adopt (This project has been completed. Request acceptance of the project, authorization to execute the Bill of Sale and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 15 Resolution No. 131-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission for the Effingham Sunrise Rotary to Have a Halloween Parade on Sunday, October 29, 2017 - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission to Effingham Sunrise Rotary for road closures for the Halloween Parade on October 29, 2017. Road closures are the same as in the past.) JT Item No. 16 Resolution No. 132-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission To Allow a Downtown Effingham Business Group to Have Chili Fest in Downtown Effingham on Friday, October 13, 2017 - Adopt (This Resolution grants permission to allow the Downtown Effingham Business Group to have Chili Fest in downtown Effingham on Friday, October 13, 2017 from 5 - 8 p.m. Road closures are same as in the past). JT Item No. 17 Resolution No. 133-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal for 2017 Haney Street Improvements - Adopt (Bids were accepted for the project on August 29 with Beniach Construction Co. submitting the lowest responsive bid of $114,571. The project will be paid from Capital Projects with reimbursement of 50% from Railroad Grade Crossing Protection Funds and the City's portion from the General Fund, Street.) JH Item No. 18 2017 Sidewalk Replacement Program - Change Orders No. 1 & 2 - Approve (Change Order No. 1 is a credit of $5,337 for items that were not needed to fulfill the project. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $10,795 is for additional sidewalk.) JH Item No. 19 Police Station Demo - Certificate of Project Completion and Release of Bonding - Approve (Effingham Asphalt completed the project at a final cost of $47,405.25. Requesting release of the bonding.) JB
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 121-2017, Resolution Authorizing Execution of Premier Lease Agreement with Konica Minolta Premier Finance (This is for a new copier for the Police Department.)
7. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 69-2107, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 15-2107, "An Ordinance Establishing Pay Ranges for the Various Non-Union Salaried and Hourly Positions within the Service of the City for Fiscal Year 2018" (This Ordinance adds the position of Police Lieutenant (SM2) to the City's Pay Plan. The modification to the current plan is highlighted in yellow.) 8. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 70-2017, An Ordinance Amending Appointment Ordinance No. 17-2015, Ordinance No. 70-2015, Ordinance No. 35-2016, and Ordinance No. 64-2017 (This Ordinance amends the Appointment Ordinance by eliminating the rank of Police Corporal and creating the rank of Police Lieutenant pursuant to the proposed Effingham Police Department Restructuring Plan.) 9. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 72-2017, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 21 "Police" Article II. "Department", Article VI "Special Policemen", and Article VII "Part-time Police Officers" of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham. (This Ordinance amends Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Police) to address Sec. 21-29 "Residence policy for policeman".) 10. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 75-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 72-2011 "An Ordinance Adopting a Revised Personnel Policy Manual" Approved December 20, 2011 (This Ordinance amends the City's Personnel Policy incorporating the changes necessary to implement the administrative restructuring of the Effingham Police Department.) 11. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 123-2017, Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #209 (This Resolution authorizes the City Administrator and the Chief of Police to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Police FOP. This MOU assigns the pay of Corporal to the rank of Sergeant and eliminates the Corporal position from the collective bargaining agreement. It also insures the Deputy Chief and the Police Lieutenants will be able to continue their participation in the City's VEBA Plan.) 12. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 124-2017, A Resolution Approving Various Job Descriptions (This Resolution approves various job descriptions associated with the Police Department Restructuring Plan and the change in title of the City Treasurer. All proposed changes are highlighted in yellow.)
13. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 78-2017, An Ordinance Establishing a Business District Tax Allocation Fund for the Area Subject to Resolution No. 110-2017 (This Ordinance establishes a business district tax allocation fund for the proposed South Banker Street Business District.) 14. Discussion and Approval: Motion Accepting the South Banker Street Business District Eligibility Study (Economic Development Resources will present the Eligibility Study for the South Banker Street Business District. Once the study is adopted, it will be placed on file for public inspection.) 15. Discussion and Approval: Motion Authorizing Economic Development Resources to Complete the South Banker Street Business District Plan (Once approved, Economic Development Resources will complete the South Banker Street Business District Plan)
Discussion: Resolution No. 127-2017, Resolution Amending an Intergovernmental Agreement with Effingham Community Unit District No. 40 (This Resolution amends an Intergovernmental Agreement with Unit 40. This agreement authorizes a TIF reimbursement of up to $200,000 over a two-year period for actual costs associated with vocational education in FY16 and FY17. Up to $100,000 will be paid out to Unit 40 in FY18 and up to $100,000 will be paid out to Unit 40 in FY19.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 77-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends the Liquor Control Ordinance by creating a Class MT Liquor License (Movie Theater - Consumption Sales Only.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 81-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends Ordinance No. 13-2012 to increase the Class MT (Movie Theater - Consumption Sales Only) from 0 to 1. This increase is subject to RMC Stadium Cinemas obtaining a Class MT Liquor License.)
Discussion: Resolution No. 122-2017, Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Proposal of RJN Group, Inc. for Flow Monitoring (This is to determine existing sanitary flow through an existing lift station in the area near the intersection of West Rickelman Avenue and North Raney Street. The cost is $14,110 with payment to be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Sewer.)
Discussion: Resolution No. 126-2017, Resolution Authorizing Execution of LexisNexis eCrash Agreement With LexisNexis Claims Solutions, Inc. (Chief of Police will discuss the LexisNexis eCrash Agreement.)
Discussion: Library Quarterly Report (Library Director Amanda McKay will present the Library's Quarterly Report.)
Discussion: Tourism Report (Director of Tourism Jodi Thoele will present a report on the Tourism Department to the Council.)
24. Announcements/Commissioner Comments JB • Reports from Commissioners • Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; City Clerk; City Treasurer • Mayoral Proclamations DAV Forget-Me-Not Days - September 8 & 9 DAR Constitution Week - September 17 - 23 JB • Special Events JT Effingham Cruise Night: September 8 Hobnob Harvest Market: September 8 - 9 Corvette Funfest: September 14 -17 • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 27. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of September 5, 2017 at ______ P.M.