Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (10/17/17) - Approve AN Item No. 2 2018 Police and Fire Pension Tax Lexy Letters and Actuarial Valuation – R&F CP Item No. 3 Ordinance No. 87-2017, An Ordinance Amending Article II of Chapter Seven, Article IV of Chapter 7, and Articles II and V of Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code of Effingham, Illinois, and Adopting by Reference Various Standard Codes - Pass (This Resolution amends fire safety regulations and building code standards for construction.) MW / MK Item No. 4 Ordinance No. 97-2017, An Ordinance in Relation to Tax Levy for the City of Effingham, Illinois - Pass (This Ordinance sets the tax levy for the City of Effingham at $4,462,500. This tax levy is .44% more than what was requested in 2016 and .44% more than was extended in 2016. The tax levy was discussed by the City Council at our October 17th City Council Meeting.) Item No. 5 Ordinance No. 103-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 25-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes - East Rickelman Box Culvert Replacement - Herboth Land Trust - Pass (This Ordinance is being amended to include additional language per the seller's request.) JH Item No. 6 Resolution No. 160-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of a City Street to be Temporarily Closed for the Hometown Christmas Event - Adopt (This annual event will take place on Saturday, November 25, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. This resolution will allow Fourth Street between Jefferson Avenue and Washington Avenue to be closed during the hours of 2:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) JT Item No. 7 Resolution No. 141-2017, A Resolution Appointing a Member to the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund of the City of Effingham, Illinois - Adopt (With the recent resignation of William Myers, it is necessary to fill that vacancy. City Treasurer Phillips will serve the remainder of the two-year term which expires on the second Tuesday of May, 2018.) JB Item No.8 Resolution No. 169-2017, A Resolution Accepting Subdivision Improvements by Bill of Sale and Releasing Bond - Park Ridge Subdivision, Fire Addition - Final Plat No. 764-F - Adopt (Infrastructure improvements have been completed, and a Bill of Sale has been submitted. Request release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 9 TRW Properties LLC - Certificate of Approval - Final Plat No. 773-F - R&F (All requirements of the Land Subdivision Ordinance have been met.) JH Item No. 10 Resolution No. 170-2017, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 773-F for Recording - TRW Properties Subdivision - Adopt (This final plat is a minor subdivision as defined by the Land Subdivision Ordinance.) Item No. 11 Ordinance No. 100-2017 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Personal Property - Pass (The items listed are no longer of any use to the City.) AN Item No. 12 Litter Abatement Program/Milano & Grunloh Engineers - Accept (Milano and Grunloh Engineers has successfully completed the application to participate in the City's Litter Abatement Program, "Pick it up, Effingham!" They will begin the two-year project beginning in January, 2018 and are desirous of adopting a section of Avenue of Mid-America from Keller Drive to Outer Belt West.) JA Item No. 13 Temple Avenue Force Main - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (The project has been completed. Request acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 14 Clark Avenue Reconstruction - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Beniach Construction Co. has completed the project at a final cost of $87,281. Request acceptance of the project the release of the bonding.) Item No. 15 South Third Street - Change Orders 2 and 3 and Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (The project has been completed at a final cost of $473,612.90. Request approval of the change orders to balance quantities, acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 16 East Fayette Water Main Replacement - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (B & T Drainage has completed this project at a final cost of $42,495. Request acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 17 Resolution No. 168-2017, A Resolution Adopting a Downtown/Southtown Business Area Redevelopment Program Agreement (A-1 Food Mart/Effingham Shatki, Inc.) - Adopt (This Resolution approves a redevelopment agreement with A-1 Item No. 18 Resolution No. 167-2017, A Resolution Adopting a Downtown/Southtown Business Area Redevelopment Program Agreement (Tingley Investment Properties) - Adopt (The Resolution approves a redevelopment agreement with Tingle Investment Properties)
6. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 82-2107, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends the City's Liquor Control Code to increase the Class R Liquor Licenses from ten to eleven. This increase is subject to the issuance of a liquor license to Lucky Dogs Bar. This was discussed at previous Council meetings.) 7. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 161-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to CL Quick Stop of Belvidere, Inc. d/b/a Lucky Dogs Bar (This Resolution authorizes the issuance of a Class R (Restaurant - Consumption Sales Only) Liquor License to this new business located at 302 N. Mulberry Street in the Family Video Complex.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 91-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Membership and Contribution to the Effingham Regional Growth Alliance Doing Business as The Alliance (If the Council approves, the City will make a $50,000 membership contribution to The Effingham County Regional Growth Alliance. The Alliance will provide monthly sales reports, monthly updates on a strategic plan, and evidence of an effort to lead the creation of a cooperative industrial property development with the City. This Ordinance was discussed previously by the Council.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 98-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (This is for the purchase of property for the cemetery expansion. The property is owned by Maxine A. Lankow and located on North Forrest Street.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 99-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (This is for the purchase of property on North Forrest Street from Jamie N. Roberts for the cemetery expansion.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 162-2017, Resolution Authorizing Renewal of the 2018 Property/Casualty and Workers' Compensation Policies (This Resolution approves the renewal of the Property/Casualty and Workers' Compensation insurance policies, which renew December 31, 2017 and January 1, 2018 respectively for a one year agreement. Administration recommends acceptance of the Property/Casualty renewal with BRIT (Lloyds of London) and the Workers' Compensation renewal with IPRF through the Arthur J. Gallagher Company. This renewal represents a $17,292 decrease or 4.3% for the policy period. The total annual renewal amount is $387,658. The funding for paying these premiums will be divided among the individual City departments and the Effingham Public Library.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 163-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal from Bradford Systems Corporation (The Chief of Police has secured a proposal for shelving from Bradford Systems Corporation for shelving for the new police facility. The cost is $46,959 with payment to be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Central TIF.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 164-2017, Resolution Supporting the 2018 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Grant Project (ITEP) (This Resolution is in support of the grant application for a streetscape and pedestrian facilities project in the amount of $725,180. The City will be required to provide a local match of $439,295 in funding as defined under the Federal Flexible Match Program. - Keller Drive)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 101-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) - Save-A-Lot (This Ordinance authorizes the increase in Class M (Retail Merchandise and Grocery Store License - Package sales only) from one to two. This increase is subject to the future issuance of a Class M Liquor License to Martins of Effingham, Inc. doing business at Save-A-Lot located at 101 N. Keller Drive.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 102-2017, An Ordinance Adopting a Building, Electrical and Plumbing Comprehensive Fee Schedule (This Ordinance would make the new fees effective January 1, 2018.)
Discussion: Resolution No. 166-2017, Resolution Supporting Application for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Water Main Replacement (There will be a public hearing for this Grant on November 14, 2017. This Resolution would commit the necessary match funding as well as authorize the City Administrator to execute any documents necessary for the CDBG application.)
Discussion: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project (CIPP Lining) (This project will be bid on November 14, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.)
Discussion: Purcell Development Agreement (This is a proposal for real estate development on Marguerite Lane. The Purcells have requested City assistance to extend a public water main to the property. They will pay for the materials, and City crews would construct approximately 800 feet of water main.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 104-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance will increase the Class R-1 (Restaurant Consumption Sales and Package Sales) from five to six. This increase is subject to the issuance of a Class R-1 Liquor License to Effing Brew Company located at 221 West Jefferson Avenue.)
Discussion: Tourism Quarterly Report (Director of Tourism Jodi Thoele will present her Quarterly Report on the Tourism Department to the Council.)
Discussion: Building Official Quarterly Report (Building Official Michelle Wilkins will submit the quarterly report.)
23. Announcements/Commissioner Comments JB - Reports from Commissioners JB - Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; Deputy City Clerk; City Treasurer - Mayoral Proclamations America Recycles Day: November 15, 2017 - Special Events Wonderland in Lights Holiday Lights & Festive Sights • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 26. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of November 7, 2017 at ______ P.M.
Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (10/17/17) - Approve AN Item No. 2 2018 Police and Fire Pension Tax Lexy Letters and Actuarial Valuation – R&F CP Item No. 3 Ordinance No. 87-2017, An Ordinance Amending Article II of Chapter Seven, Article IV of Chapter 7, and Articles II and V of Chapter 10 of the Municipal Code of Effingham, Illinois, and Adopting by Reference Various Standard Codes - Pass (This Resolution amends fire safety regulations and building code standards for construction.) MW / MK Item No. 4 Ordinance No. 97-2017, An Ordinance in Relation to Tax Levy for the City of Effingham, Illinois - Pass (This Ordinance sets the tax levy for the City of Effingham at $4,462,500. This tax levy is .44% more than what was requested in 2016 and .44% more than was extended in 2016. The tax levy was discussed by the City Council at our October 17th City Council Meeting.) Item No. 5 Ordinance No. 103-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 25-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Utility Purposes - East Rickelman Box Culvert Replacement - Herboth Land Trust - Pass (This Ordinance is being amended to include additional language per the seller's request.) JH Item No. 6 Resolution No. 160-2017, A Resolution Granting Permission to Allow a Portion of a City Street to be Temporarily Closed for the Hometown Christmas Event - Adopt (This annual event will take place on Saturday, November 25, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. This resolution will allow Fourth Street between Jefferson Avenue and Washington Avenue to be closed during the hours of 2:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) JT Item No. 7 Resolution No. 141-2017, A Resolution Appointing a Member to the Board of Trustees of the Police Pension Fund of the City of Effingham, Illinois - Adopt (With the recent resignation of William Myers, it is necessary to fill that vacancy. City Treasurer Phillips will serve the remainder of the two-year term which expires on the second Tuesday of May, 2018.) JB Item No.8 Resolution No. 169-2017, A Resolution Accepting Subdivision Improvements by Bill of Sale and Releasing Bond - Park Ridge Subdivision, Fire Addition - Final Plat No. 764-F - Adopt (Infrastructure improvements have been completed, and a Bill of Sale has been submitted. Request release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 9 TRW Properties LLC - Certificate of Approval - Final Plat No. 773-F - R&F (All requirements of the Land Subdivision Ordinance have been met.) JH Item No. 10 Resolution No. 170-2017, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 773-F for Recording - TRW Properties Subdivision - Adopt (This final plat is a minor subdivision as defined by the Land Subdivision Ordinance.) Item No. 11 Ordinance No. 100-2017 - An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale and/or Disposal of Personal Property - Pass (The items listed are no longer of any use to the City.) AN Item No. 12 Litter Abatement Program/Milano & Grunloh Engineers - Accept (Milano and Grunloh Engineers has successfully completed the application to participate in the City's Litter Abatement Program, "Pick it up, Effingham!" They will begin the two-year project beginning in January, 2018 and are desirous of adopting a section of Avenue of Mid-America from Keller Drive to Outer Belt West.) JA Item No. 13 Temple Avenue Force Main - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (The project has been completed. Request acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 14 Clark Avenue Reconstruction - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (Beniach Construction Co. has completed the project at a final cost of $87,281. Request acceptance of the project the release of the bonding.) Item No. 15 South Third Street - Change Orders 2 and 3 and Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (The project has been completed at a final cost of $473,612.90. Request approval of the change orders to balance quantities, acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 16 East Fayette Water Main Replacement - Certificate of Project Completion - Approve (B & T Drainage has completed this project at a final cost of $42,495. Request acceptance of the project and release of the bonding.) JH Item No. 17 Resolution No. 168-2017, A Resolution Adopting a Downtown/Southtown Business Area Redevelopment Program Agreement (A-1 Food Mart/Effingham Shatki, Inc.) - Adopt (This Resolution approves a redevelopment agreement with A-1 Item No. 18 Resolution No. 167-2017, A Resolution Adopting a Downtown/Southtown Business Area Redevelopment Program Agreement (Tingley Investment Properties) - Adopt (The Resolution approves a redevelopment agreement with Tingle Investment Properties)
6. Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 82-2107, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance amends the City's Liquor Control Code to increase the Class R Liquor Licenses from ten to eleven. This increase is subject to the issuance of a liquor license to Lucky Dogs Bar. This was discussed at previous Council meetings.) 7. Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 161-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to CL Quick Stop of Belvidere, Inc. d/b/a Lucky Dogs Bar (This Resolution authorizes the issuance of a Class R (Restaurant - Consumption Sales Only) Liquor License to this new business located at 302 N. Mulberry Street in the Family Video Complex.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 91-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Membership and Contribution to the Effingham Regional Growth Alliance Doing Business as The Alliance (If the Council approves, the City will make a $50,000 membership contribution to The Effingham County Regional Growth Alliance. The Alliance will provide monthly sales reports, monthly updates on a strategic plan, and evidence of an effort to lead the creation of a cooperative industrial property development with the City. This Ordinance was discussed previously by the Council.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 98-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (This is for the purchase of property for the cemetery expansion. The property is owned by Maxine A. Lankow and located on North Forrest Street.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 99-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (This is for the purchase of property on North Forrest Street from Jamie N. Roberts for the cemetery expansion.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 162-2017, Resolution Authorizing Renewal of the 2018 Property/Casualty and Workers' Compensation Policies (This Resolution approves the renewal of the Property/Casualty and Workers' Compensation insurance policies, which renew December 31, 2017 and January 1, 2018 respectively for a one year agreement. Administration recommends acceptance of the Property/Casualty renewal with BRIT (Lloyds of London) and the Workers' Compensation renewal with IPRF through the Arthur J. Gallagher Company. This renewal represents a $17,292 decrease or 4.3% for the policy period. The total annual renewal amount is $387,658. The funding for paying these premiums will be divided among the individual City departments and the Effingham Public Library.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 163-2017, Resolution Accepting Proposal from Bradford Systems Corporation (The Chief of Police has secured a proposal for shelving from Bradford Systems Corporation for shelving for the new police facility. The cost is $46,959 with payment to be made from the Capital Projects Account with funding from Central TIF.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 164-2017, Resolution Supporting the 2018 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Grant Project (ITEP) (This Resolution is in support of the grant application for a streetscape and pedestrian facilities project in the amount of $725,180. The City will be required to provide a local match of $439,295 in funding as defined under the Federal Flexible Match Program. - Keller Drive)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 101-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) - Save-A-Lot (This Ordinance authorizes the increase in Class M (Retail Merchandise and Grocery Store License - Package sales only) from one to two. This increase is subject to the future issuance of a Class M Liquor License to Martins of Effingham, Inc. doing business at Save-A-Lot located at 101 N. Keller Drive.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 102-2017, An Ordinance Adopting a Building, Electrical and Plumbing Comprehensive Fee Schedule (This Ordinance would make the new fees effective January 1, 2018.)
Discussion: Resolution No. 166-2017, Resolution Supporting Application for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Water Main Replacement (There will be a public hearing for this Grant on November 14, 2017. This Resolution would commit the necessary match funding as well as authorize the City Administrator to execute any documents necessary for the CDBG application.)
Discussion: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project (CIPP Lining) (This project will be bid on November 14, 2017 at 10:00 a.m.)
Discussion: Purcell Development Agreement (This is a proposal for real estate development on Marguerite Lane. The Purcells have requested City assistance to extend a public water main to the property. They will pay for the materials, and City crews would construct approximately 800 feet of water main.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 104-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) (This Ordinance will increase the Class R-1 (Restaurant Consumption Sales and Package Sales) from five to six. This increase is subject to the issuance of a Class R-1 Liquor License to Effing Brew Company located at 221 West Jefferson Avenue.)
Discussion: Tourism Quarterly Report (Director of Tourism Jodi Thoele will present her Quarterly Report on the Tourism Department to the Council.)
Discussion: Building Official Quarterly Report (Building Official Michelle Wilkins will submit the quarterly report.)
23. Announcements/Commissioner Comments JB - Reports from Commissioners JB - Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; Deputy City Clerk; City Treasurer - Mayoral Proclamations America Recycles Day: November 15, 2017 - Special Events Wonderland in Lights Holiday Lights & Festive Sights • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 26. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of November 7, 2017 at ______ P.M.