1. Mayor calls meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll call: Comnr. Gillenwater_____ Comnr. Althoff_____ Comnr. Esker_____ Comnr. Willis_____ Mayor_____
Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (11/07/17) - Approve AN Item No. 2 Building Official - Monthly Permit Summary - R&F (This is the permit summary for the month of September, 2017.) MW Item No. 3 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property at 8 Galvin Street (City) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request of the City of Effingham to rezone this property from Class NU, Non-Urban District to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.) JH Item No. 4 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property and Grant a Special Use at 101 W. Evergreen (Hawkins) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending the approval of the request of Pat A. Hawkins to rezone this property from Class R-2, Single Family Residence District to M-1, Light Industrial District and further to approve a Special Use Permit (34) for a Veterinary Hospital, Animal Clinic and Kennel.) JH Item No. 5 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property at 15421 E State Hwy 33 (Sandschafer) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request of Sandschafer Electric Properties Inc., to rezone this property from Class NU Non-Urban District to Class B-2, General Commercial District.) JH Item No. 6 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property at 1501 Marguerite Lane (Purcell) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request of Gerald L. and Patricia J. Purcell to rezone this property from Class NU, Non-Urban District to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.) JH Item No. 7 Letter of Recommendation - Vacate Portion of Marguerite Lane - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a Letter of Recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request by Gerald L. and Patricia J. Purcell to vacate a portion of Marguerite Lane.) JH Item No. 8 Certificate of Approval - Purcell Subdivision - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a Certificate of Approval unanimously recommending the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final Plats of Purcell Subdivision, subject to the items noted in Exhibit A of the Certificate.) JH Item No. 9 Certificate of Approval - Southtown Car Wash Subdivision - R&F (The City Engineer and City Subdivision Administrator have submitted a Certificate of Approval recommending the City Council approve the Final Plat of Southtown Car Wash Subdivision, subject to the items noted in Exhibit A of the Certificate.) JH Item No. 10 Certificate of Approval - Meijer Effingham Subdivision - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a Certificate of Approval unanimously recommending the City Council approve the Final Plat of Meijer Effingham Subdivision, subject to the items as noted in Exhibit A.) JH Item No. 11 Certificate of Approval - DJMDT Subdivision and PRD Site Plan name change to Golden Fields Subdivision and PRD Site Plan - R&F (The Plan Commission submits a Certificate of Approval unanimously recommending the City Council approve developer's request to change the name of DJMDT Subdivision and PRD Site Plan to Golden Fields Subdivision and PRD Site Plan.) JH Item No. 12 Petition to Vacate Easements - Meijer Effingham Subdivision - R&F (The current owner of the Meijer Development Property submits a Petition to Vacate certain easements which are unnecessary for the development or will be replaced with new easements with the platting of the property) JH Item No. 13 Petition to Vacate Street - Marguerite Lane (Purcell) - R&F (The petitioner is redeveloping the property and is desirous of vacating a portion of Marguerite Lane. The developer will be dedicating new street right of way. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends the City approve the vacation request.) JH Item No. 14 Ordinance No. 98-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (Maxine A. Lankow - N. Forrest Street) - Pass (This purchase is for the cemetery expansion. Payment to Maxine Lankow in the amount of $2,000 will be made from reserve funds. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 15 Ordinance No. 99-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (Jamie N. Roberts - N. Forrest Street) - Pass Item No. 17 Ordinance No. 102-2017, An Ordinance Adopting a Building, Electrical, and Plumbing Comprehensive Fee Schedule - Pass (This Ordinance will approve new fees effective January 1, 2018. This item was previously discussed.) MW / JH / SM Item No. 18 Ordinance No. 104-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) Effing Brew Company - Pass (This Ordinance authorizes the increase in Class R-1 Liquor Licenses from five to six, subject to the issuance of a Liquor License to this establishment. This was discussed at the November 7 City Council Meeting.) JB Item No. 19 Resolution No. 166-2017, Resolution Supporting Application for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Water Main Replacement - Adopt (A public hearing was held for this Grant on November 14, 2017. This Resolution would commit the necessary match funding as well as authorize the City Administrator to execute any documents necessary for the CDBG application. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 20 Resolution 171-2017, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 774-P and Approving Final Plat No. 774-F for Recording, Purcell Subdivision - Adopt (The property being subdivided is along Marguerite Lane, East of Keller Drive and North of Ford Avenue. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends the City Council approve Purcell Subdivision, subject to the items noted in Exhibit A of the Certificate of Approval.) JH Item No. 21 Resolution No. 172-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to Effing Brew Company LLC d/b/a Effing Brew Company - Adopt (This Resolution Authorizes the issuance of a Class R-1 Liquor License to Effing Brew Company LLC, located for 221 West Jefferson Avenue. This matter was discussed at the November 7th City Council Meeting.) Item No. 23 Resolution No. 174-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate - Vonderheide Subdivision Tract 8A - Sale to Roedl - Adopt (This Resolution approves the sale of surplus real estate to Joseph Roedl for $2,100.00.) SM Item No. 24 Resolution No. 176-2017, Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Proposals from Hoerr Construction - Adopt (This Resolution accepts the proposal of Hoerr Construction for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project (sewer lining) in the amount of $445,141.50 which is under the Engineer's Estimate of $494,572.00. There were 4 proposals received.) JH Item No. 25 Resolution No. 177-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Utility Extension Agreement (Marguerite Lane - Purcell) - Adopt (The Agreement memorializes the obligations of Purcell and the City on the extension of a water main to serve property Purcell is rezoning and subdividing. The water main extension will provide water service to all the lots in the proposed subdivision, provide a fire hydrant or better fire protection and eliminates existing water service lines crossing adjacent tracts. Purcell will be annexing any property not in the City Limits.) JH Item No. 26 Resolution No. 178-2017, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 775-F for Recording - Southtown Car Wash Subdivision - Adopt (This is the same minor plat previously named TRW Properties Subdivision approved for recording at the November 7, 2017 City Council meeting. The City Engineer and City Subdivision Administrator recommend the City Council approve the plat for recording.) JH Item No. 27 Resolution No. 179-2017, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 768-F - Meijer Effingham Subdivision - Adopt (The Preliminary and Final Plats were submitted to the Plan Commission on September 12, 2017. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final plats. The City Council approved the Preliminary Plat on September 19, 2017. The Developer requested the Final Plat be presented to the City Council at a later date to address items the approval of the Final Plat was subject to. The Developer has addressed most of the items and has requested the Final Plat be submitted to the City Council for approval.) JH Item No. 28 Resolution No. 180-2017, A Resolution Accepting Subdivision Improvements by Bill of Sale and Releasing Bond - Mini Hills Subdivision, First Addition - Final Plat No. 759-F - Adopt (The improvements have been completed and City Staff recommends the improvements be accepted, approval to execute the Bill of Sale and release the bonding.)
Presentation: TOPS IL-794 Month - Mayoral Proclamation (Mayor Bloemker will present a Mayoral Proclamation to TOPS IL-794 in celebration of its 50th Anniversary.)
Presentation: Employee of the Quarter - Michelle Wilkins (The Employee Recognition Committee selected Michelle Wilkins as the Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter of FY 2018. Michelle will now be eligible for the Employee of the Year consideration. The other candidates for this quarter were Matt Kulesza, Fire Department and Jason Caraway, Police Department.)
Item No. 16 Ordinance No. 101-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) Save-A-Lot - Pass Item No. 22 Resolution No. 173-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to Martins of Effingham, Inc. d/b/a Save-A-Lot - Adopt (This Resolution authorizes the issuance of a Class M Liquor License to Save-A-Lot. This matter was discussed at the November 7, 2017 City Council Meeting.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 94-2017, An Ordinance Changing the Name for the DJMDT Subdivision Planned Residence District to the Golden Fields Planned Residence District (The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this name change at the November 14, 2017 meeting.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 105-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 8 Galvin Street (After a public hearing on November 14, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the rezoning of 8 Galvin Street from Class NU, Non-Urban District, to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 106-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 101 West Evergreen Avenue (After a public hearing on November 14, 2017, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the rezoning of property located at 101 West Evergreen Avenue from Class R-2, Single Family Residence District, to Class M-1, Light Industrial District and also unanimously recommended the City Council approve the Special Use Permit (34), Veterinary Hospital, Animal Clinic and Kennel.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 107-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 15421 East State Highway 33, Teutopolis, IL (At a public hearing on November 14, 2017, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council rezone this property from a Class NU, Non-Urban District, to Class B-2, General Commercial District for the purpose of construction of a billboard sign.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 108-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 1501 Marguerite Lane (At a public hearing on November 14, 2017, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the rezoning of property located at 11501 Marguerite Lane from Glass NU, Non-Urban District, to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 109-2017, An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of a Public Street or Roadway (Clyde Nash Subdivision - Marguerite Lane) (The Plan Commission held a Public Hearing at the November 14, 2017 meeting and unanimously recommends the City Council approve the vacation.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 110-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 72-2011 "An Ordinance Adopting Revised Personnel Policy Manual" Approved December 20, 2011 (The proposed revisions include, a change in the City's distribution of the manual and supplements to employees from a hard copy of the personnel manual to online access, the addition of the City Administrator's designee to serve as the City's Personnel Officer, and authorization for designated officer to change forms and exhibits used as documentation for policy.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 112-2017, An Ordinance Releasing and Vacating Easements (The Kabbes Development Group - Meijer Effingham Subdivision) (The owner of the property for the Meijer Development petitioned certain easements to be vacated that will no longer be necessary or are being replaced by new easements dedicated on the subdivision plat. A portion of the easements is occupied by a public storm sewer which will be relocated with the development and will remain until the old storm sewer is removed. City Staff recommends the City Council approve vacating the easements.)
Discussion and Approval: South Banker Street Business District Plan (Economic Development Resources will present the proposed South Banker Street Business District Plan.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 111-2017, An Ordinance Proposing the Approval of a Business District Plan and Designation of a Business District and Fixing a Time and Place for a Public Hearing on the Proposals to Approve a Business District Plan and Designate a Business District (This Ordinance establishes a public hearing date and time for the South Banker Street Business District.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 158-2017, A Resolution Approving the Change of Name for DJMDT Subdivision to Golden Fields Subdivision (The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this name change at the November 14, 2017 meeting.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 175-2017, A Resolution Appointing Members to the Effingham Regional Growth Alliance Doing Business as The Alliance (This Resolution appoints Mayor Bloemker and Economic Development Director Todd Hull as members of The Alliance Board of Directors.)
Discussion: Downtown Rehabilitation Project (Discussion will take place concerning the Downtown Rehabilitation Project at 200 N. Front Street.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 113-2017, An Ordinance Amending Article IV of Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Numbering Buildings) (This amendment would change the height of building numbers from 3" to 4")
Discussion: Resolution No. 174-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate - Vonderheide Subdivision Tract 8A - Sale to Roedl (This Resolution approves the sale of surplus real estate to Joseph Roedl for $2,100.00.)
Discussion: Library Quarterly Report (Library Director Amanda McKay will present to the Council the Library's Quarterly Report.)
24. Announcements/Commissioner Comments • Reports from Commissioners • Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; City Treasurer; City Clerk; Deputy City Clerk • Mayoral Proclamations Presentation: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Month - November • Special Events Hometown Christmas: November 25 Wonderland in Lights Holiday Lights & Festive Sights • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 25. Motion ____ Second ____ to recess into Executive Session for the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c): Personnel - Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining - Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.) Comnr. Gillenwater_____ Comnr. Althoff_____ Comnr. Esker_____ Comnr. Willis_____ Mayor_____ JB 26. Roll call: Comnr. Gillenwater_____ Comnr. Althoff_____ Comnr. Esker_____ Comnr. Willis_____ Mayor_____ 27. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of November 21, 2017 at ______ P.M.
1. Mayor calls meeting to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll call: Comnr. Gillenwater_____ Comnr. Althoff_____ Comnr. Esker_____ Comnr. Willis_____ Mayor_____
Item No. 1 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes (11/07/17) - Approve AN Item No. 2 Building Official - Monthly Permit Summary - R&F (This is the permit summary for the month of September, 2017.) MW Item No. 3 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property at 8 Galvin Street (City) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request of the City of Effingham to rezone this property from Class NU, Non-Urban District to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.) JH Item No. 4 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property and Grant a Special Use at 101 W. Evergreen (Hawkins) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending the approval of the request of Pat A. Hawkins to rezone this property from Class R-2, Single Family Residence District to M-1, Light Industrial District and further to approve a Special Use Permit (34) for a Veterinary Hospital, Animal Clinic and Kennel.) JH Item No. 5 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property at 15421 E State Hwy 33 (Sandschafer) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request of Sandschafer Electric Properties Inc., to rezone this property from Class NU Non-Urban District to Class B-2, General Commercial District.) JH Item No. 6 Letter of Recommendation - Rezone Property at 1501 Marguerite Lane (Purcell) - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a letter of recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request of Gerald L. and Patricia J. Purcell to rezone this property from Class NU, Non-Urban District to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.) JH Item No. 7 Letter of Recommendation - Vacate Portion of Marguerite Lane - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a Letter of Recommendation unanimously recommending approval of the request by Gerald L. and Patricia J. Purcell to vacate a portion of Marguerite Lane.) JH Item No. 8 Certificate of Approval - Purcell Subdivision - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a Certificate of Approval unanimously recommending the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final Plats of Purcell Subdivision, subject to the items noted in Exhibit A of the Certificate.) JH Item No. 9 Certificate of Approval - Southtown Car Wash Subdivision - R&F (The City Engineer and City Subdivision Administrator have submitted a Certificate of Approval recommending the City Council approve the Final Plat of Southtown Car Wash Subdivision, subject to the items noted in Exhibit A of the Certificate.) JH Item No. 10 Certificate of Approval - Meijer Effingham Subdivision - R&F (The Plan Commission has submitted a Certificate of Approval unanimously recommending the City Council approve the Final Plat of Meijer Effingham Subdivision, subject to the items as noted in Exhibit A.) JH Item No. 11 Certificate of Approval - DJMDT Subdivision and PRD Site Plan name change to Golden Fields Subdivision and PRD Site Plan - R&F (The Plan Commission submits a Certificate of Approval unanimously recommending the City Council approve developer's request to change the name of DJMDT Subdivision and PRD Site Plan to Golden Fields Subdivision and PRD Site Plan.) JH Item No. 12 Petition to Vacate Easements - Meijer Effingham Subdivision - R&F (The current owner of the Meijer Development Property submits a Petition to Vacate certain easements which are unnecessary for the development or will be replaced with new easements with the platting of the property) JH Item No. 13 Petition to Vacate Street - Marguerite Lane (Purcell) - R&F (The petitioner is redeveloping the property and is desirous of vacating a portion of Marguerite Lane. The developer will be dedicating new street right of way. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends the City approve the vacation request.) JH Item No. 14 Ordinance No. 98-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (Maxine A. Lankow - N. Forrest Street) - Pass (This purchase is for the cemetery expansion. Payment to Maxine Lankow in the amount of $2,000 will be made from reserve funds. This item was previously discussed.) SM Item No. 15 Ordinance No. 99-2017, An Ordinance Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for Cemetery Purposes (Jamie N. Roberts - N. Forrest Street) - Pass Item No. 17 Ordinance No. 102-2017, An Ordinance Adopting a Building, Electrical, and Plumbing Comprehensive Fee Schedule - Pass (This Ordinance will approve new fees effective January 1, 2018. This item was previously discussed.) MW / JH / SM Item No. 18 Ordinance No. 104-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) Effing Brew Company - Pass (This Ordinance authorizes the increase in Class R-1 Liquor Licenses from five to six, subject to the issuance of a Liquor License to this establishment. This was discussed at the November 7 City Council Meeting.) JB Item No. 19 Resolution No. 166-2017, Resolution Supporting Application for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Water Main Replacement - Adopt (A public hearing was held for this Grant on November 14, 2017. This Resolution would commit the necessary match funding as well as authorize the City Administrator to execute any documents necessary for the CDBG application. This item was previously discussed.) JH Item No. 20 Resolution 171-2017, A Resolution Approving Preliminary Plat No. 774-P and Approving Final Plat No. 774-F for Recording, Purcell Subdivision - Adopt (The property being subdivided is along Marguerite Lane, East of Keller Drive and North of Ford Avenue. The Plan Commission unanimously recommends the City Council approve Purcell Subdivision, subject to the items noted in Exhibit A of the Certificate of Approval.) JH Item No. 21 Resolution No. 172-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to Effing Brew Company LLC d/b/a Effing Brew Company - Adopt (This Resolution Authorizes the issuance of a Class R-1 Liquor License to Effing Brew Company LLC, located for 221 West Jefferson Avenue. This matter was discussed at the November 7th City Council Meeting.) Item No. 23 Resolution No. 174-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate - Vonderheide Subdivision Tract 8A - Sale to Roedl - Adopt (This Resolution approves the sale of surplus real estate to Joseph Roedl for $2,100.00.) SM Item No. 24 Resolution No. 176-2017, Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Proposals from Hoerr Construction - Adopt (This Resolution accepts the proposal of Hoerr Construction for the 2017 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project (sewer lining) in the amount of $445,141.50 which is under the Engineer's Estimate of $494,572.00. There were 4 proposals received.) JH Item No. 25 Resolution No. 177-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Utility Extension Agreement (Marguerite Lane - Purcell) - Adopt (The Agreement memorializes the obligations of Purcell and the City on the extension of a water main to serve property Purcell is rezoning and subdividing. The water main extension will provide water service to all the lots in the proposed subdivision, provide a fire hydrant or better fire protection and eliminates existing water service lines crossing adjacent tracts. Purcell will be annexing any property not in the City Limits.) JH Item No. 26 Resolution No. 178-2017, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 775-F for Recording - Southtown Car Wash Subdivision - Adopt (This is the same minor plat previously named TRW Properties Subdivision approved for recording at the November 7, 2017 City Council meeting. The City Engineer and City Subdivision Administrator recommend the City Council approve the plat for recording.) JH Item No. 27 Resolution No. 179-2017, A Resolution Approving Final Plat No. 768-F - Meijer Effingham Subdivision - Adopt (The Preliminary and Final Plats were submitted to the Plan Commission on September 12, 2017. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the Preliminary and Final plats. The City Council approved the Preliminary Plat on September 19, 2017. The Developer requested the Final Plat be presented to the City Council at a later date to address items the approval of the Final Plat was subject to. The Developer has addressed most of the items and has requested the Final Plat be submitted to the City Council for approval.) JH Item No. 28 Resolution No. 180-2017, A Resolution Accepting Subdivision Improvements by Bill of Sale and Releasing Bond - Mini Hills Subdivision, First Addition - Final Plat No. 759-F - Adopt (The improvements have been completed and City Staff recommends the improvements be accepted, approval to execute the Bill of Sale and release the bonding.)
Presentation: TOPS IL-794 Month - Mayoral Proclamation (Mayor Bloemker will present a Mayoral Proclamation to TOPS IL-794 in celebration of its 50th Anniversary.)
Presentation: Employee of the Quarter - Michelle Wilkins (The Employee Recognition Committee selected Michelle Wilkins as the Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter of FY 2018. Michelle will now be eligible for the Employee of the Year consideration. The other candidates for this quarter were Matt Kulesza, Fire Department and Jason Caraway, Police Department.)
Item No. 16 Ordinance No. 101-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13-2012, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Liquor Control) Save-A-Lot - Pass Item No. 22 Resolution No. 173-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Liquor License to Martins of Effingham, Inc. d/b/a Save-A-Lot - Adopt (This Resolution authorizes the issuance of a Class M Liquor License to Save-A-Lot. This matter was discussed at the November 7, 2017 City Council Meeting.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 94-2017, An Ordinance Changing the Name for the DJMDT Subdivision Planned Residence District to the Golden Fields Planned Residence District (The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this name change at the November 14, 2017 meeting.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 105-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 8 Galvin Street (After a public hearing on November 14, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the rezoning of 8 Galvin Street from Class NU, Non-Urban District, to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 106-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 101 West Evergreen Avenue (After a public hearing on November 14, 2017, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the rezoning of property located at 101 West Evergreen Avenue from Class R-2, Single Family Residence District, to Class M-1, Light Industrial District and also unanimously recommended the City Council approve the Special Use Permit (34), Veterinary Hospital, Animal Clinic and Kennel.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 107-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 15421 East State Highway 33, Teutopolis, IL (At a public hearing on November 14, 2017, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council rezone this property from a Class NU, Non-Urban District, to Class B-2, General Commercial District for the purpose of construction of a billboard sign.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 108-2017, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Effingham - 1501 Marguerite Lane (At a public hearing on November 14, 2017, the Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the rezoning of property located at 11501 Marguerite Lane from Glass NU, Non-Urban District, to Class R-2, Single Family Residence District.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 109-2017, An Ordinance Vacating a Portion of a Public Street or Roadway (Clyde Nash Subdivision - Marguerite Lane) (The Plan Commission held a Public Hearing at the November 14, 2017 meeting and unanimously recommends the City Council approve the vacation.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 110-2017, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 72-2011 "An Ordinance Adopting Revised Personnel Policy Manual" Approved December 20, 2011 (The proposed revisions include, a change in the City's distribution of the manual and supplements to employees from a hard copy of the personnel manual to online access, the addition of the City Administrator's designee to serve as the City's Personnel Officer, and authorization for designated officer to change forms and exhibits used as documentation for policy.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 112-2017, An Ordinance Releasing and Vacating Easements (The Kabbes Development Group - Meijer Effingham Subdivision) (The owner of the property for the Meijer Development petitioned certain easements to be vacated that will no longer be necessary or are being replaced by new easements dedicated on the subdivision plat. A portion of the easements is occupied by a public storm sewer which will be relocated with the development and will remain until the old storm sewer is removed. City Staff recommends the City Council approve vacating the easements.)
Discussion and Approval: South Banker Street Business District Plan (Economic Development Resources will present the proposed South Banker Street Business District Plan.)
Discussion and Approval: Ordinance No. 111-2017, An Ordinance Proposing the Approval of a Business District Plan and Designation of a Business District and Fixing a Time and Place for a Public Hearing on the Proposals to Approve a Business District Plan and Designate a Business District (This Ordinance establishes a public hearing date and time for the South Banker Street Business District.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 158-2017, A Resolution Approving the Change of Name for DJMDT Subdivision to Golden Fields Subdivision (The Plan Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this name change at the November 14, 2017 meeting.)
Discussion and Approval: Resolution No. 175-2017, A Resolution Appointing Members to the Effingham Regional Growth Alliance Doing Business as The Alliance (This Resolution appoints Mayor Bloemker and Economic Development Director Todd Hull as members of The Alliance Board of Directors.)
Discussion: Downtown Rehabilitation Project (Discussion will take place concerning the Downtown Rehabilitation Project at 200 N. Front Street.)
Discussion: Ordinance No. 113-2017, An Ordinance Amending Article IV of Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of the City of Effingham, Illinois (Numbering Buildings) (This amendment would change the height of building numbers from 3" to 4")
Discussion: Resolution No. 174-2017, A Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Surplus Real Estate - Vonderheide Subdivision Tract 8A - Sale to Roedl (This Resolution approves the sale of surplus real estate to Joseph Roedl for $2,100.00.)
Discussion: Library Quarterly Report (Library Director Amanda McKay will present to the Council the Library's Quarterly Report.)
24. Announcements/Commissioner Comments • Reports from Commissioners • Reports from Staff - City Administrator; Public Works Director; City Engineer; Economic Development Director; Fire Chief; Police Chief; Tourism Director; City Treasurer; City Clerk; Deputy City Clerk • Mayoral Proclamations Presentation: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Month - November • Special Events Hometown Christmas: November 25 Wonderland in Lights Holiday Lights & Festive Sights • Public Participation (Citizens who have provided a speaker's card may address the Council. Please state your name and address for the record. There is a five minute time limit per speaker.) 25. Motion ____ Second ____ to recess into Executive Session for the purpose of consideration of the following subjects, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c): Personnel - Section 2 (c) (1); Collective Bargaining - Section 2 (c) (2); Purchase or Lease of Real Estate - Section 2 (c) (5); Sale or Lease of Property - Section 2 (c) (6); Litigation - Section 2 (c) (11); and Review of Executive Session Minutes - Section 2 (c) (21). (If the Council desires to recess into executive session, the Council shall specifically indicate the desired topic of discussion for public record.) Comnr. Gillenwater_____ Comnr. Althoff_____ Comnr. Esker_____ Comnr. Willis_____ Mayor_____ JB 26. Roll call: Comnr. Gillenwater_____ Comnr. Althoff_____ Comnr. Esker_____ Comnr. Willis_____ Mayor_____ 27. Motion ____ Second ____ to adjourn the City Council Meeting of November 21, 2017 at ______ P.M.